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Online Payments
Viewing transactions and reporting for online payments

Viewing transactions and reporting for online payments

View transactions and create reports for payments taken through your website using our hosted payments page or using our virtual terminal, instantly.

The Virtual Terminal is where you can see transactions taken through the Virtual Terminal or through your website with our hosted payment pages or compatible shopping cart plug in.

Watch our handy video guide to walk through how to view transactions and run reports for online payments:

You can also see your trading data in the Tyl Portal alongside trading data for any card machines you might have, updated hourly.

Order reports

Order reports on Virtual Terminal allow you to:

  • View shipped/unshipped orders
  • View approved only or total orders
  • Mark an order as shipped

To run an order report:

  1. Select ‘Reports’ tab from the virtual terminal homepage
  2. Then select ‘Orders’
  3. Select the required filters for the orders you want to see and ‘Submit query’
  4. The ‘Orders received’ page will display a list of orders based on your filter criteria. View any of the orders by clicking the ‘Order #’.
  5. If you need to mark an unshipped order as shipped, select the order(s) by clicking the empty check box in the ‘Select’ column and select ‘Work with selected orders’ > ‘Confirm shipment of merchandise’ > ‘Submit query’
An order will be marked as unshipped if its not yet been completed (e.g. a pre-authorisation or outstanding payment link). All completed transaction will automatically be marked as shipped.

Transaction reports

Transaction reports on Virtual Terminal allow you to:

  • View a complete list of approved, declined or all transactions for a custom period
  • View the output of the 3D secure report. The ‘PayerAuth’ column shows the response of the cardholder authentication, a full breakdown of responses can be found in the Virtual Terminal user guide.

The Transaction Summary report will allow you to:

  • View the total amount of amount transactions of a specific transaction type e.g. Sale, Refund, Authorisation only etc
  • View the total amount of transactions for a specific card type e.g. Visa, Mastercard, Amex, Discover® Global Network etc

To run a transaction report:

  1. Select ‘Reports’ tab from the virtual terminal homepage
  2. Then select ‘Transactions'
  3. Select the required filters for the transactions you want to see and ‘Submit query’
  4. The ‘Transactions processed’ page will display a list of transactions based on your filter criteria. View any of the transactions by clicking the ‘Order #’.
  5. If you want to view the output of the 3D Secure verification check, the ‘PayerAuth’ column shows the result, you can find a full breakdown of the results in the Virtual Terminal User Guide
  6. if you want to see if a transaction was approved or not, the ‘Approval’ column will show the approval code, if its been declined you’ll see that here. For a declined transaction the approval code will start with ‘N:’

To run a transaction summary report:

  1. Select ‘Reports’ tab from the virtual terminal homepage
  2. Then select ‘Transactions summary'
  3. Select the required filters for the transactions you want to see and ‘Submit query’

3D secure reports

The 3D secure report will show all transactions processed through pay by link and through your website if you use our integrated payment pages. The 3DS data column shows you the response from the 3D secure verification, ‘Authenticated’ means it has been successfully verified.

To run a 3D Secure report:

  1. Select ‘Reports’ tab from the virtual terminal homepage
  2. Then select ‘3-D Secure'
  3. Select the required filters for the transactions you want to see and ‘Submit query’
  4. The report will show all transactions process through pay by link and through your website if you sue our integrated payments pages or compatible plug-ins
  5. The ‘3DS Data’ column shows you the response from the 3D Secure verification, ‘Authenticated’ means it has been successfully verified
3D secure helps protect your business in the event a payment is made fraudulently. When using pay by link or our integrated payment pages, the card holder is redirected to their banks authentication page automatically.

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